How to use a window cleaning kit

For those of you who like to do you own work around the house, or who enjoy cleaning windows, a window cleaning kit can be a good investment. These kits typically contain all of the equipment that you will need to clean any relatively straightforward window. However, it can be unclear how to get the most out of these kits, as they frequently contain a range of tools with which the first time buyer may not be familiar.

Typically, a window cleaning kit will contain a bucket, a squeegee, a scraper and a cloth. In order to get started, you will first need to fill the bucket with a suitable  window cleaning solution. This may eb provided in the kit in the form of a concentrated liquid which has to be mixed woith water, or else you can make your own using water and dish soap, water and vinegar, or pure water. 

Once this has been prepared, you can use a soaked squeegee to begin the cleaning process. Use long downward strokes of the squeegee to clean the window – circular movements increase the risk of streaking.  After this, use the scraper to gently remove any excess fluid and dirt, before using the cloth to dry the surface of the window. This last step is especially important if your cleaning liquid is soap-based, as this kind of fluid has a greater tendency to form streaks.

This method will serve well for any window which can be easily reached, but in many cases to clean a complete building, it will still be necessary to call in a professional window cleaning service, such as prudential, who will be able to do the full job.

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